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From Installing and Using Pat Wilson Campaign Generator
Revision as of 14:03, 19 July 2024 by Zorki (talk | contribs)
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Les versions


Bogues :
- Ajout de profils et photos manquants pour Li2 et La 5 S38
- Correction d'un problème avec la création d'un nouveau pilote FC pour les campagnes coopératives


FC :
Ajout de la carte du front ouest avec les saisons
Escadrons FC élargis disponibles
Réorganisation de toutes les affectations de l'escadron FC pour s'adapter à la carte étendue (et être plus précise)

RE8 ajouté
- Strutter et Dorand AR sont des RE8.

BoS :
- Ajout de Li2
- Ajout de La5 S.38
- Ajout du Spitfire Mx.IXc
- Ajout de l'IAR comme avion de remplacement possible

Bogues :
- Correction de la saison d'automne pour cette carte FC
- Correction de l'impossibilité d'ajouter un pilote aux campagnes SP
- Correction de missions emblématiques depuis l'écran principal
- Journaux d'escadron fixes
- Correction des dégâts des avions statiques trop élevés


Ajout d'un paramètre "terrain ultra bas" pour éliminer les trains et les camions.
- Bon pour la Première Guerre mondiale où vous ne parcourez pas vraiment la campagne
- infanterie réduite
Ajout d'pamètre "Ultra AAA" pour réduire les quantités d'AAA dans les missions PWCG.
- PWCG met plus de 400 unités AAA sur la carte à des niveaux AA moyens, donc ultra bas n'est pas vraiment un petit nombre
- Pas d'AAA autour des ponts
- Pas d'AAA autour des gares
- Pas d'AAA sur les approches d'aérodrome
- AAA réduit sur les aérodromes
- AAA légèrement réduit en première ligne
Ajout d'une configuration de cotes de vol d'avion rare
- Gotha, HP, Arado
- Limite la fréquence de génération de mission pour certains avions rares
- Contrôlable via une configuration avancée : section Mission Limits
Ajout d'un paramètre d'ajustement à la configuration des blessures du pilote
- Permet une rétrogradation progressive des blessures subies par le joueur
- Numéro 0-4. Chaque numéro provoque une rétrogradation des blessures de morts-> gravement blessés -> blessés - juste mignons
- Contrôlable via une configuration avancée : section Préférences de campagne
Fixe FC aérodrome Beugnatre
Correction des escortes pour les joueurs utilisant les zones de contrôle
Correction du démarrage à froid désactivé pour les coops.
Correction de l'impossibilité de travailler avec des pilotes coopératifs (transfert, activation, etc.)


Ajout de Bf109-G6 AS, Spitfire Mk XIVe, Sopwith Snipe et SSW D.IV
Correction de problèmes liés à l'ajout d'un utilisateur coop
Correction de problèmes de briefing pour les missions en coop
Correction des missions de brouillage à altitude zéro et d'interception stratégique
Correction d'un problème qui pouvait avoir des cibles neutres choisies
Le 109 et le Spitfire sont disponibles pour toutes les unités qui pilotent déjà le 109 et le Gryphon Spitfire (66e et j'oublie qui d'autre).
Le SSW est disponible pour Jasta 12.
Le Snipe est disponible pour le No 43 Squadron et le No 4 Squadron AFC, très tard dans la guerre.


Pour tous :
- Les missions se génèrent environ 10 fois plus vite
- Ajout d'une protection contre les instances de données de journal erronées
- L'infanterie a été considérablement réduite

PWCG pour FC 2
- Carte FC2
- Les fronts sont dynamiques en 1918
- Les escadrons se redéploient en fonction des événements historiques
Skins d'escadron avec codes tactiques pour toutes les unités.
- Doit télécharger TOUS les packs de skin FC.
- Les nouveaux packs de skins que j'ai créés sont étiquetés "FC Squadron"
- Les packs de skins existants sont étiquetés "FC Skin"
- Les deux ensembles contiennent des skins d'escadron, vous avez donc besoin de tous les packs.


Une autre tentative de nettoyer la piste !
Améliorations apportées à la génération de campagnes
- Valider le nom pour éviter les erreurs en aval
- Doit maintenant sélectionner une carte. Assure l'intégrité des données plus tard dans le processus
Si garé est sélectionné et que la carte ios Normandie et que la campagne n'est pas coop, aucune piste ne démarre
- Les démarrages en stationnement ne fonctionneront pas en Normandie
- J'ai laissé l'option disponible pour coopérer car ils pourraient être en mesure de le faire sans IA dans le vol.
Écran de transfert nettoyé. Les transferts vers les transports fonctionnent désormais.
Missions de transport fixes
- Ils sont maintenant à sens unique.
- Les waypoints intermédiaires sont modifiables
- Pas de parachutage en Angleterre


Correction d'une erreur dans la configuration du code tactique qui pouvait entraîner l'échec de la génération de la mission.


C47 peut être piloté dans une campagne
corrige l'échec de génération de mission


Correction de deux problèmes pouvant entraîner l'échec des AAR
J'ai tenté de fixer des mouches IA sur la base ennemie


Achèvement des skins d'escadron vierges.
Plus de 600 skins ajoutés
Qu'est-ce qu'un "habillage d'escadron ?". il s'agit d'un skin configuré dans PWCG pour être utilisé comme skin d'escadron générique. C'est donc un blanc avec un marquage d'unité dessus.
- Toutes les variantes d'un avion ont été réalisées, donc un P47D22 pour un escadron prendra jusqu'à 8 skins avec des marquages ​​verts, argentés, unis et 3 variantes de marquages ​​normands.
- Les avions russes pourraient avoir plusieurs schémas de camouflage au fil du temps et simultanément. Les avions allemands avaient souvent plusieurs schémas de camouflage simultanés.
- Pas de skins d'escadron britanniques car ils n'avaient pas de marques d'escadron autres que le code. Les skins vierges existantes sont adéquates.
- Les différents schémas de peinture et marquages ​​ajouteront un peu de vie et l'utilisation de codes rendra chaque avion de la mission unique.
Changement de la priorité du WP de décollage à faible pour empêcher l'IA non agressive si le WP de décollage est manqué
De nombreux ajustements aux événements emblématiques pour s'assurer que les actions prévues sont incluses dans la mission
Correction des charges utiles Mosquito non disponibles dans le briefing
Charge utile Mosquito fixe en Lb et non en Kg.
Correction du mauvais contexte d'image parfois utilisé (journal de bord RAF pour pilote allemand, etc.)
Date d'introduction fixe des Tempests au 56e escadron
Déplacement de l'introduction du Free French (326th Squadron) en mars 1943
Correction de la faute de frappe "Dover Castle"
Correction de la faute de frappe de Kingsnorth
Changements internes importants, principalement pour la testabilité.


Skins vierges de l'escadron Me 109
Skins vierges de l'escadron FW 190
Réorganisation du téléchargement des skin packs par avion

Intégration d'IL2 GB Normandie
- Carte de Normandie
- Dunkerque 1941
- Bataille d'Angleterre 1941
- Front de la Manche
- Dieppe
- La Normandie
- Journaux
- Missions emblématiques de Normandie
Amélioreration de l'interception stratégique
Radar sur le front de Manche et sur la carte du Rhin
Skins vierges et codes tactiques

Deux nouveaux ensembles de skins
- Skins vierges pour les escadrons de chasse américains
- P-47 D22, P-47 D28, P-51 B5, P-51 D-15
- Environ 100 nouveaux skins d'escadron basés sur les nouveaux skins vierges
Ajout de code pour ne pas tuer les pilotes qui se parachute
- Utilisé pour éviter de tuer tous ceux qui sautent au-dessus de la mer
- Si vous descendez au-dessus de l'eau, ne vous cracher pas. PWCG ne peut pas comprendre cela. Sautez en parachute.
Correction d'un problème qui pouvait empêcher le rapport de mission de se terminer.


Ajout du 410
- III ZG 26 à partir de juin 1943
Modification de la logique d'attribution des victoires dans AAR
- De meilleurs enregistrements de dégâts me permettent de déterminer qui a fait le plus de dégâts.
- La victoire dépend de l'affectation du journal ou de celui qui a causé le plus de dégâts.
- Les victoires non réclamées par les joueurs sont toujours attribuées aux compagnons de vol.
Sortie des résultats AAR dans le journal des erreurs. Permet aux joueurs de voir ce que disent les fichiers journaux.
- Si vous vous demandez pourquoi vous avez obtenu ou non un crédit, consultez le fichier PWCGErrorLog.txt
Déplacer l'introduction du Fokker D8 en août 1918. Permet au joueur de le sélectionner comme avion privé


- Mosquito ajouté
- No 4 Squadron RAF
Ajout de l'AR 234
- III/KG 76
- Modifier la charge utile pour ajouter l'assistance des rockets
B-26 ajouté
- 322e BG
- 387e BG
- Toute personne exécutant actuellement une carrière A-20 avec le 387e devra être transférée au 410e BG.
- L'alternative consiste à ajouter un A20 comme avion personnel via une demande d'équipement.
Déplacement du KG 51 pilotant des Me-262 vers des terrains prévus pour des jets.
- Des vols plus longs, mais au moins le décollage devrait être faisable.
J'ai tenté de rendre les vols de chasse plus agressifs
Suppression de l'indice d'octane 150 en tant que modification de stock
- Les avions alliés sur le continent ne volaient pas avec 150 octane
- Vous pouvez toujours le sélectionner en option


Ajout du triplan Sopwith
Ajout du canon pare-balles M-Flak 37 mm WWI
Ajout de structures "au sol". Ce sont des structures sans scripts.
- Si vous pensiez qu'il manquait des choses, c'est peut-être ces choses-là.
Boîte de structure étendue pour inclure plus de structures.
La case affichée sur la carte de briefing est maintenant la case de la structure et non la case de la zone active.
Correction de la charge utile Ju88c erronée (erreur de charge utile 12)


Ju88c ajouté
HP400 ajouté
Gotha ajouté
Possibilité de modifier l'approche finale d'une cible.


Ajout du P-51 B
Correction d'un problème qui pouvait empêcher les rapports d'opérations (AAR)sur Flyng Circus de juin 1917 à août 12917.
Correction des skins non configurés pour les unités DFW C.V.
Correction d'une incompatibilité de nom pour les insignes de blessure sur Flyng Circus


Écran d'administration du pilote corrigé et amélioré
- Création de plusieurs pages pour gérer des campagnes coopératives plus importantes
- Pilotes classés par statut afin que les pilotes actifs soient les premiers
Consolidation de certaines médailles pour n'afficher que l'ordre le plus élevé décerné (Merci Splash)
- Croix de Chevalier, DSO, DFC, DSC, Croix de Guerre, Insignes de Blessure
Correction d'un cas où les pilotes français de la Première Guerre mondiale pouvaient recevoir des médailles britanniques.


Ajout du CV DFW
- Tous les escadrons FA volent DFW
- Schlastas vole Halberstadts
- La date de début d'Halberstadt est repoussée à août 1917
Ajout de nouveaux véhicules de la Première Guerre mondiale
Améliorations de Stonehouse incorporées pour les skins Typhoon et les rôles du 193e Escadron
Écran de demande d'équipement fixe
Correction pour gérer le problème où le serveur coop pouvait cracher un mauvais jeu de journaux

Modifications apportées à l'attribution des victoires aux joueurs - Ajoute un contrôle des dommages aux victoires non confirmées dans les journaux. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de victoire pour quelque chose que vous n'avez pas tiré.
Ajout d'un avertissement lorsque le joueur lance la procédure d'accélération du temps et lorsqu’un Rapport post mission (AAR : After Action Report) est en attente.
- Nouvelle mission
- Partir
- Transfert
- l'avertissement dit "Résultats de mission existants détectés... Continuer?"
- Oui signifie continuer et ne pas faire l'AAR

- Aucun moyen de ne pas procéder, vous donnant une chance de soumettre un AAR.
Mise en page du pilote administrateur fixée
Correction de bug d'affichage diverses. Correction des informations incorrectes affichées à la page 2 de la création de la campagne
Bug du Yak 1B non reconnu traité

' Fixer les cibles les plus proche d'un pont
Correction d'une mauvaise affectation d'aérodrome pour le No 20 Squadron (FC)

Amélioration de la présentation de l'interface utilisateur de sélection des skins
Amélioration de la sélection du pilote de référence et de l'apparence de l'écran d'administration du lecteur pour minimiser l'étirement de l'image
Problème de Breguet corrigé
Correction d'une zone trop petite pour le texte lors du débriefing
Message d'erreur de congé fixe. Les semaines devraient être des jours.

- anglais, allemand, espagnol, français
- La plupart des boutons et étiquettes
- Pas à 100 %. La sortie vers les fichiers de mission et plusieurs éléments complexes tels que les rapports de combat et les déclarations de victoire restent en anglais uniquement.
Ajout du Breguet 14
- Ajout de trois nouveaux escadrons pilotant le Breguet
- Esc 2 (Français, 1er Aero (USA), 3eme (Belge)
Congé amélioré, demande d'équipement de transfert.
Amélioration de la présentation du rapport "Intelligence"
Correction d'un problème où le changement de pilote de référence pouvait ne pas être enregistré

Ajout du SPAD VII 180 CV
Ajout de la direction de lafumée fonction de la direction du vent de la mission
Ajout des disponibilité des charges utiles fonction de la date de disponibilité de la modification
- Les charges utiles sont sélectionnables lors de la génération de la mission uniquement si elles sont disponibles
- AI limitée aux charges utiles disponibles
- Ajout de plus d'options de charge utile pour l'utilisation de l'IA
- Des modifications sélectionnables peuvent être choisies lors de la génération de la mission
- Les modifications sont en stock ou sélectionnables (fonctionnalité existante)
- Les modifications de stock sont ajoutées automatiquement lorsqu'elles sont disponibles
- Les vols AI et humains recevront des modifications de stock

Ajout de la possibilité de réaliser des raids.
Ajout des rôles de chasseur de chars, de train et de lutte contre les navires
Ajout de la possibilité de sélectionner un rôle pour la mission avant la génération
L'avion choisi par l'utilisateur n'est pas remplaçable pendant le réapprovisionnement de l'AAR
Ajout de la possibilité de supprimer les avions choisis par l'utilisateur de l'inventaire
Les avions retirés laisseront un trou dans l'inventaire jusqu'à la prochaine période de réapprovisionnement.
Correction d'une situation où l'emplacement de l'aérodrome pouvait être incorrectement identifié comme une cible

Ajout des SPAD VII Early, Pfalz D.XII et Airco DH4
Ajout du halftrack allemand AAA
Ajout du niveau décimal pour le règlage des turbulences.
Correction de l'impossibilité d'ajouter un nouveau pilote si tous les pilotes sont morts
- Ne définira le nouveau pilote comme pilote de référence que si le nouveau pilote est le seul pilote humain
- Notez que l'UI ne choisira pas le nouveau pilote comme pilote de référence. Quittez et entrez à nouveau dans la campagne.
Correction du tri incorrect des charges utiles et des modifications pour Bristol F2B

Cible fixe ne s'activant pas sur les missions d'attaque

Ajout d'une option de tableau de bord "Player Pilot" pour ne voir que les pilotes humains (vivants et morts)
Ajout d'une option de configuration pour ne pas supprimer les avions et les véhicules suite à leurs destructions
- Menu principal->Configuration->Préférences de l'utilisateur définissez la suppression après la destruction sur 0 (zéro)
- La configuration est globale et s'appliquera donc à toutes les campagnes
Correction du WP final de la cible déplacée plus près de la cible pour assurer le déclenchement de la zone d'attaque
Correction du bouton de mission emblématique non visible sur les petits écrans

Correction d'un bug éliminant par inadvertance les pilotes des joueurs une fois qu'ils s'améliorent.

Ajout de la mission d'attaque au sol libre
- Cible actuellement les trains et les camions
- Volez jusqu'à un point et recherchez les cibles. Aucun guidage sauf suivre les routes ou les pistes.
- les unités terrestres commencent à se déplacer lorsque la mission commence.
- Cette fonctionnalité sera ensuite développées pour les navires et les blindées car ils nécessitent un modèle différent
Amélioration des victoires en mission
- Ajout des victoires au sol et structurelles hors mission
- Ajout des victoires au sol et structurelles initiales
- Un pilote obtiendra un pseudo type de mission en fonction de la configuration de son escadron. Ce type de mission déterminera le type de victoire.
Événement emblématique de Briansk ajouté
Réécriture de journaux de telle sorte qu'un nouveau journal puisse être ajouté en fournissant une photo et en ajoutant un peu de données
Journaux ajoutés pour tous les événements emblématiques
Journaux FC convertis
Ajout d'un présentoir à journaux pour voir les vieux journaux
- campagne->activités->actualités
Amélioration du rendu des documents AAR
- Ils conservent leurs dimensions et ne s'étirent pas
- Ajout d'une image de dossier sous le document
Ajout de la configuration de la distance d'apparition de l'unité au sol dans les limites de la mission
Promotions remaniées pour exiger un certain nombre de destruction au sol pour la promotion des pilotes d'attaque.
Ajout des boutons de première page/dernière page au journal et au journal de l'escadron
Corrigé : Parfois, les événements AAR n'étaient pas correctement intégrés à la campagne
Corrigé : Suppression de quelques paramètres de configuration obsolètes
Corrigé : statut de Preddy lorsqu'il est tué le 25/12/1944
Corrigé : les as tués historiquement ne s'affichent plus comme transférés
Corrigé : Le journal de fin de guerre apparaît désormais
Corrigé : Le pilote non affecté est désormais celui sur lequel le bouton a été enfoncé et non le bouton radio sélectionné
Corrigé : ajout d'un bouton de guérison des blessures sur la page de la mission pour quitter directement la page pour guérir.
Corrigé : Erreur qui provoquait un échec si votre grand as pilote était tué.

Missions emblématiques améliorées pour permettre au joueur de piloter n'importe quel véhicule TC approprié.
Distance d'apparition de l'unité au sol étendue de 5 km à 15 km/8 km pour BoS/FC

Missions emblématiques améliorées pour permettre au joueur de piloter n'importe quel véhicule de Tank Crew.
Distance d'apparition de l'unité au sol étendue de 5 km à 15 km/8 km pour BoS/FC

Missions emblématiques pour les camions AAA
- Depuis l'écran principal de PWCG, accédez aux missions emblématiques
- Choisissez un camion AAA
- PWCG génère une mission dans un camion AAA.
Ajout de la possibilité de créer des missions emblématiques pour les camions AA
Réduction de la probabilité que les avions larguent prématurément leurs charges

Tank et Train : les chars et les trains sont désormais considérés comme des catégories de victoire distinctes
- Les victoires sur des chars et train pèsent plus lourd dans les médailles et les promotions
- Les victoires sur des chars et trains ont des comptes séparés sur la première page du journal des pilotes
- Les victoires sur les chars et trains ont leur propre section détaillée dans le journal des pilotes
Ajout de colonnes pour le char, le train et les victoires sol au tableau de victoire. Résumé ajouté au journal de l'escadron :
- Combien de pilotes perdus
- Combien de victoires aériennes, blindées, ferroviaires et terrestres
Résumé étendu au journal du pilote
- Victoires aériennes et terrestres enregistrées par type d'avion
- Nombre de victoires aériennes et de chars résumées par types de véhicules
Ajouter des configurations de skin pour Spitfire XIV
Ajout du pack de skins du 41 Squadron Riksen pour Spitfire XIV
- Pack de skins PWCG 16 disponible en téléchargement sur le site PWCG
Correction de la date erronée de retrait du 41 Squadron sur Spitfire MK XIV
Correction de la date erronée de retrait du 66 Squadron sur Spitfire MK XIV

Typhon ajouté
Ajout du Fokker D8
Ajout du 41e Escadron de Spitfire Mk XIV
Restauration du 349e Escadron sur Spitfire Mk IX
Changement de l'escadron 193 en Typhoon avec un accent sur l'attaque au sol
Ajout de 15 nouveaux véhicules et canons
Prise en compte du contexte des batailles pour qu'elles soient habitées par des unités britanniques ou américaines
Correction des structures d'aérodrome manquantes

Ajout des préférences de cible au niveau de l'escadron.
- Permet aux escadrons d'être dirigés vers des types de cibles spécifiques
- Préférence cible pour les unités P-47, certains trains
- Ajout de la préférence de cible d'expédition au 45e régiment de bombardiers (A20)
Plusieurs escadrons de P-47 préfèrent l'attaque au sol
Unités déplacées plus près du front sur la carte du Kouban Avril 1943
Correction d'un cas où la bataille n'était pas générée alors qu'elle était requise
Correction d'un cas où les missions de brouillage Ai pouvaient avoir un point de cheminement à zéro altitude

Amélioration des performances de l'écran de l'éditeur de waypoints
Amélioration (légèrement) des performances des écrans de carte
Appuyez sur le nouveau bouton pour modifier les détails du waypoint pour les modifier
Correction d'une erreur causant des altitudes incorrectes des points de cheminement d'interception

PWCG 12.2.1
Affectation limitée d'entités à des structures dans des zones cibles (performance).
Correction d'une erreur qui pouvait empêcher la génération des missions

PWCG 12.2.0
Faire en sorte que les avions quittent les attaques plus rapidement
- Quand un ou deux avions attaquent et n'ont plus de bombes, les autres largueront les munitions restantes et sortiront après 30 secondes. Réécriture de l'interception stratégique
- Utilisez des cibles plus réalistes.
- Plusieurs vols ennemis basés sur la configuration de la densité de l'air
- Les vols ennemis sont escortés
- Amélioration de la position de l'observateur
Inclus plus de blocs d'aérodrome et de villes comme cibles pour augmenter les chances de déclenchement des attaques sur les aéroports et les villes.
Zone d'inclusion de structure étendue pour englober la trajectoire de vol de tous les joueurs humains.
Possibilité d'escorter des bombardiers ou d'attaquer au sol
Ajout d'attaques ennemies pour les missions d'escorte lorsque le vol escorté attaque un aérodrome
Correction de l'altitude incorrecte (basse) du waypoint d'entrée lors des missions d'interception stratégique et de transport
Correction de l'orthographe de l'opportunité dans le briefing de mission
Codes de plan manquants corrigés.
Correction des Me262 ne pouvaient pas décoller de l'aérodrome (déplacés vers un terrain différent)

PWCG 12.1.2
Vous avez des marquages ​​d'avion fonctionnant pour la 354e
- Fonctionnera également pour d'autres unités, mais elles ont besoin de skins vierges
Correction du scénario de pointeur nul dans le gestionnaire de marquages ​​
Correction d'une erreur qui empêchait les escadrons d'IA de passer à de meilleurs avions (merci pour la révision de code bgreman).
Erreur corrigée: l'appui-tête en verre sur le 109 ne devrait pas être une modification d'origine, car cela empêche d'autres options d'appuie-tête.

PWCG 12.1.1
Correction d'une erreur d'emballage qui laissait de côté les configurations de mission unique emblématiques

PWCG 12.1.0
Mission emblématique depuis l'écran principal
- Générez une mission emblématique sans la campagne.
- Un bon moyen de lancer l'un de ces scénarios si vous avez juste envie d'en jouer un Utiliser les codes d'unité générés automatiquement
- De Murleen
- Utilise la nouvelle fonction de visualisation des codes d'unité
- Uniquement disponible sur le P51 pour le moment
- Ajout de plusieurs modifications manquantes pour les avions de la Première Guerre mondiale
Modifications standard
- Rend les modifications standard les plus courantes.
- Correction d'une situation qui empêchait l'AAA de se reproduire sur l'aérodrome.
- Correction de la charge utile d'attaque au sol incorrecte pour Spitfire Mk XIV

PWCG 12.0.0
Add iconic events
- Arnhem: 
- parachute and cargo drops 9/17/1944 - 9/28/1944
- Rhine map front line improvements to show drops
- Ardennes: 
- German attack Dec 20 to Dec 24 1944
- Bastogne cargo drops Dec 25 to Dec 28 1944
- Allied counter attack Dec 29 to Dec 30 1944
- Bodenplatte Jan 1 1945
- German airfield attacks and Allied scrambles
- Plunder Rhine crossing March 23 1945
- Varsity air drop March 24 1945
- German bombing of city 8/20/1942 to 8/25/1942
- German dive bombing of barges 9/08/1942 to 9/12/1942
- Uranus  11/11/1942 to 11/22/1942 1942
- Encirclement with cargo drops 12/01/1942 to 12/31/1942
- Anti shipping period 10/08/1943 to 10/31/1943
- Includes scenarios with opposing sides coming into contact
- Russian invasion of Kerch 11/01/1943 to 11/11/1943
Added Spitfire Mk. XIV
Added Nieuport 28
Moved start date for USAS up to April 1918.
Added runway start AI scramble missions to airfield attacks.
Fixed issue that could cause planes to spawn on top of each other
Fixed issue some places where bomber could act like a fighter

PWCG 11.11.2
Added new front lines to show progress of Arnhem
- Added newspaper entries for Arnhem
Adjusted unit placement to get some units closer to the front
Fix Sometimes player airfields do not have AAA or other units
Fix unselected player pilot could be assigned to mission
PWCG 11.11.1
Added Pilot Management Screen
<Campaign>->Personnel->Administer Pilots
- Now available to both Single Player and Coop
- Revive a lost pilot (New)
- Retire a pilot (unchanged) 
- Transfer a pilot without incurring a delay (new for SP)
Moved intro date of FW190 A6 up to August 1943
Fixed error on Drifter AA units that was causing issues with Stalingrad
Fixed campaign creation error: Luftwaffe/Attack/Dec 1 1943 
PWCG 11.11.0
Added FW190 A6
- A6 is also G3.  jabo units exclusively fly G3
Modified FW190 A8 payloads
- A8 is also F8.  jabo units exclusively fly F8
Added ammo trucks
Changes smoke to use new emitters
Fixed missing drifter AAA
PWCG 11.10.2
- Added RCAF as a service
- Added 403 Squadron
Removed large river traffic to hopefully avoid flying boats
PWCG 11.10.1
Rewrite of airfield item placement
- Fix missing AA
- Reduce number of static planes to sane number
- Reduce number of static vehicles to sane number
Fixed zero altitude waypoint on some player missions
Fixed zero altitude waypoint on some scramble opposition missions.
Fixed typo: LaaG should be LaGG
Fixed script entry for Kuban bridges
Fixed invalid small warehouse entry on Kuban map
PWCG 11.10.0
Improve flights targeting other flights
- Intercept flights now target an existing flight
    - Altitude matches and search area targets enemy flight without being exact.
- Scrambles completely rewritten
- Balloon bust flights target existing balloons and defense.
- Balloon defense flights cover existing balloon and attacking flight.
- Using an existing flight matters because it avoids extra flights
Added simple config to increase number of structures in a mission
- Fixed object not found.  Might cause issues crediting bridges.
- Fixed incorrect config label
PWCG 11.9.1
Add Structures as creditable targets
- Add structures as targets
- Include structures in payload decision
- Includes static planes and static trucks
- Does not include every object in the game.
- Add mission briefings for structures
- Change target selection to make appropriate use of structures as targets
- Make game report structure destruction
- Ability to identify and record victories on structures
Added "Next:" and "Back:" text to mission work flow buttons for clarity 
Remove high priority waypoints for some flights.
- No need anymore since flights fly in formation.
Verified AI adjustments in advanced configs work as intended - they do.
Added Lydia Lytviak (thanks Dutch2)
Changed Luftwaffe odds of victory bonus
- Limited to LW on eastern front
- Reduced bonus for non ace pilots
- Also introduces concept of differentiation by front
Added code to remove heading/trailing spaces from config entries
- Helps correct typos on user entry
Fixed ships not written to mission file
Fixed issue where rockets could be assigned to PE2 on bombing missions
PWCG 11.8.1
Small fixes
Luftwaffe promotions are slower
Fix error that could cause La5FN to be denied
Fix error where very long names were not being matched, causing claims to be denied
Fixed some part of too many missions flown
PWCG 11.8.0  weather modifications
The mission will conform to the weather.  You will get much more variety, in particular. lots more rain and snow.  Most battle areas have upwards of 25% rainy days.  
Any given weather pattern may or may not impact a given mission type.  If it is overcast and rainy most of the missions are going to be pushed to low altitude.  Dive bombing missions are particularly affected.  Dive bombing will be swapped for an attack mission where the Stuka will drop bombs much like a fighter or IL2.  Tactical bombing will be pushed lower.  Patrols will be pushed lower.  Deeper penetration missions will be scrapped in favor of lower altitude missions near the front.  
If cloud cover is not overcast or heavy then you will fly the missions as usual with whatever cloud cover there may be.
Weather related advanced configuration:
Campaign ->Configuration -> Advanced Config -> Weather
Use realistic weather: set to 1 to use weather than includes heavier weather.  Set to 0 to fly in relatively clear skies (Still has clouds but no rain)
Min Haze/Max Haze: Minimum and maximum values for haze. Proper values are 1-10.  This makes use of the new haze feature
Max Wind: Not a new config.  Maximum wind speed in meters per second
Max turbulence: Not a new config.  Proper values are 1-10.  Maximum turbulence value in the mission.
Fix the thing that I broke in 11.7.1 (which fixed the thing that I broke in 11.7.0)
- Escort and air start were fixed in 11.7.1 but virtual start got broken
Verified proper spawn and activity of player air start, escort air start, and virtual flights.
Thanks @FodderMonkey
Fixed air start
Fixed escorts for player not appearing
Added Bf109 G6 Late
Added Paper Dolls in medal view
- Thanks to @ual002 for all of the hard work in making these things.  As you can see from the posts above, a lot of effort went into this.
- Not available for Italy in WWII or FC yet.
Varied formations
- Fighters will now use V
  - Best formation for a 3 man plane flight
  - More like a finger 4 than echelon right for a 4 plane flight
- Bombers may use V or echelon
- Dive bombers and transports use echelon
Fixed flying boats on rivers
Fixed error in AAR in FC due to missing vehicle names
Corrected pilot names with spaces accidentally typed on the end
Updated Campaign Main Screen
- Consolidated several buttons into sub menus.
- See tool tip (hover over button) to see where things have gone
Added Emergency Resupply feature
- Use if your campaign is depleted and not generating oppositon
- Campaign -> Intelligence -> Emergency Resupply
- Verify resupply by looking at Campaign -> Intelligence -> Intelligence Report
Added CPU Allowance Simple Config
- Accessible from the simple config screen
- Allows you to tone down high CPU mission elements
- Low: One enemy bomber flight.  No friendly bomber flights.  No virtual escorts.
- Medium: One enemy bomber flight.  One friendly bomber flights.  COnfigured max virtual escorts for enemy flights.
- High: CPU allowances not considered.
- CPU allowance config does not affect other configs such as air, ground, and AA.  Also does not impact advanced configs.  
- Setting air, ground, AA, and CPU allowance to low gets lightest possible mission.
- Allows for more limits on high CPU mission elements as they are identified.
- If you are low CPU allowance, recommend scrubbing strategic intercepts.
Fix designation of C47 "Type"
- Could cause AAR failure to accept claim
Fix failure to write new squadrons under some conditions
- Could cause AAR to fail
- Select fighter campaign
- Fly with 157th Regiment early or 651st Regiment after August 1942
C47 (LI2)
- Added transport unit to VVS and ASAAF
Better vehicle naming
- Fewer (hopefully zero) unidentified vehicles
- Fix flying locomotives
Fixed only generating recon
Fixed issue with pathing that was causing mission generation to fail.
Continued to improve front line pathing.
Payload updates:
Emphasis on armor
- If a battle is the target area, made flights more likely to target armored targets if it is present.  Payloads are responsive to this.
Spitfire no has 150 octane fuel.
FW190 A3 now has wing guns with extra ammo
FW190 A5 fixed to include ordnance with U17 selection
FW190 A5 ground attack units now use U17 as standard equipment
Bf110 G2 now has 20mm gun pods available.   PWCG will assign this on intercept missions.
Small adjustment to P38 and P47 payloads vs armored targets
AI bombers bomb
AI flights land
Improved box placement to keep it from going off the edge of the map
Improved Patrol pattern
- fewer waypoints spaced a bit more in GB (FC remains the same, slower planes)
- Redid placement to avoid some weird patterns on mapswith funky front lines.
Added new skin assignments for FC (thanks TheDude and imanuthep)
Fixed AI adjustment not taking
Simplified virtual waypoints
No more deleting planes.  Not necessary as performance is fine.
Fixed linkage of virtual AI attack flights to attack MCU
Set virtual bombing attack flight payloads such that they are full if they spawn before the attack and empty if after
Fix disappearing planes
Restructured PWCG directories such that all user generated files are under "User" subdirectory
- Includes campaign files, coop user records, audio, and user configuration choices
- Keep this directory when installing PWCG
- PWCG will automatically move existing files to the new position on startup.  You won't lose anything.
Restructured coop records
- Fixes possible issue that could occur if one user has a pilot in two campaigns.
On Campaign coop admin, added ability to assign or change the user associated with a pilot.
- Allows correction should user and pilot become not associated.
Fixed error that could cause PWCG mission creation to fail.
Fixed error in skin name that could cause mission not to load
Fixed error where resaver would write to wrong directory
Fixed an error where PWCG would not properly read a user designated log directory
PWCG missions are now in PWCG folder in the game
Added the mission folder and mission files to the PWCG error report zip
Support for redirecting your logs to a different directory
- Open startup.cfg in the game's data directory
- Find text_log_folder
- Set the value to the directory where you want logs to go (make sure that the directory actually exists)
Fixed no spawning ground units: Added more trigger objects to ensure that ground units spawn
Fixed disappearing AI flights
Fixed rendezvous too far to the rear for air starts
Fixed bomber flights fly at low altitude - Rendezvous altitude is too low for air starts
Fixed skins not properly assigned for virtual AI flights
Fixed virtual flights will sometimes circle.
Moved rendezvous back towards base
- Improves ability to shape waypoints near front
Fixed ground attack payloads for P47 and P38 (thanks sketch)
Fixed incorrect text for RemoveNonHistoricalSquadrons config
Fixed incorrectly names InitialWaypointDistance.  Now correctly named LandingApproachWaypointDistance.
Added translucent buttons to show what can be pressed.
Almost all buttons now have a hover tool tip (tells you what the button does if you hover your mouse over it)
Changed the pilot selection screen:
- Removing a pilot reverts to selecting the assigned pilot name button, like it used to be
- Adding a pilot is still  selecting the unassigned  pilot name button, like it used to be
- Moving a pilot up or down in formation uses the mouse wheel
 - select the check box next to the pilot
 - scroll the mouse wheel to move up or down in the formation
Fixed planes disappearing after spawn (hopefully)
Fixed escort planes cannot be claimed (also hopefully)
AI flies formation
- Hopefully no more bombers flying like fighters
AI escorts are back
- And they really escort
- Numbers limited for resource usage
Huge number of skins for FC
- All thanks to @the_dudeWGand skin artists.  All of these skins were gathered and configured by the_DudeWG
- AussieBoomer, I.JG1_Baron, Taurus, Tomi_099, szeljr, =GEMINI=Hawkmoon98, A1_Phoenix, 
- CCG_Pips, E69_julian57, SYN_Skydance, HotWaffle, YoYo, Flik66_J, US93_Larner, PatCartier, J2 & J5 Squadrons
Fixed up some skin records for BoS
Lots of German skins from E69_Julian57, MarcoPegase44, SR603-Flowbee, Ouky1991, Raptorattacker, szelljr, SARFlytitus
- New skins are in skin packs 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
- Every German plane except the He111 H16 (no skins), Me 109 E7, and Ju52
Made temperature specific to each map (and fixed overly warm Moscow)
Fixed fuel allocation issue
Fixed coop AAR error that could occur due to bad log set
Fixed Italian names
Fixed erroneous plane not owned message
American and British skins
Tons of P47s and P51s by 361st_Bugsy.  More by Tom Weiss, E69_julian57 and others.
- New skins are in skin packs 8, 9, and 10
- P47s, P51, A20, Spitfires, Tempest
Russian skins.  New skins cover most, if not all, Russian planes
- Special shout out to szelljr this release because I covered all 32 pages for his skins and pulled dozens.
- Added more skins by SARFlytitus, Almenas, 352nd_Siqhter, and SR603-Flowbee, E69_Julian57, flyingfisch, CCG_Pips
- Added skins by several contributors from the Russian forum
- New skins are in skin packs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 ... yes, there are that many
- Some P-38 skins made it in too
Changed skin algorithm to allow many more personal skins to be used
User made skins skins by SARFlytitus, Almenas, 352nd_Siqhter, and SR603-Flowbee
Skins are p47 d-22 (Quite a few), I16, LaGG 3, and Me-262.
Download and install PWCG Skin Pack 2 from the PWCG web site
- Download into your root game folder and unzip.  The folder tree starts with "data"
Incorporated skins available in game
Increased use of winter skins
Fixed issue that could cause missions not to generate
Adjusted replacement rate to fix depletion on Bodenplatte
Fixed coop transfer and retire pilot
Fixed overwrite on leave with multiple pilots
P47 D-22
- Added P47 D-22
- P47 D-22 is available alongside P47 D-28
- Puts the P47 D-22 into existing campaigns.
Changed P47 D-28 payloads to match changes in game
- 150 octane fuel for  P47 D-28
- Now only has "P47 ground attack" payload
Added cruise speed to as editable parameter
Added altitude and cruise speed to waypoint information popup
Set AA units (not truck/train/ship mounted) enabled = 0 to prevent flight from attacking
Major overhaul of briefing process
Separated map from waypoint edits
- More real estate for the map 
- Improved performance
Added waypoint information on map waypoint
- Mouse 1 to move waypoint
- Mouse 2 to add or delete waypoints
- Mouse 3 to show waypoint nformation
Added ability to sort pilots in any order
- Use radio button to select assigned pilots
- Use move up/down unassign buttons on left to act on selected pilots
- Add unassigned pilots by clicking on them (no change)
- Newly assigned pilots will be placed at the bottom of the flight (changed)
Added config to exclude historical anomalies from some aspects of campaign
- Italian squadron
- FW190 at Stalingrad
- Excluded as AI flights
- Excluded from providing escort
- New feature is disabled by default
- Advanced Configuration -> User Preferences -> set exclude anomalies to 1
Fixed altitude changes not persisting to mission
Fixed Medal Award Document
Fixed add waypoint does not work
Fixed delete waypoint does not work
Fixed: Ground units deleted
Fixed: Restored days needed to recover on leave screen
Fixed: Error on transfer
Major UI revision
Fixed log cutoff for coops - need feedback
Fixed infinite loop if you try to take leave past the end of the war.
Added female pilots (USSR only)
Adjusted fuel load by aircraft prior to briefing
Adjust maximum font size based on monitor size
Fixed AAR issue that occurred when a log damage record was not attributed to a in game entity
Fixed incorrect plane type in skin assignments
Fixed issue that prevented night mission generation
Significant improvements to resupply to produce long term results int he campaign
- Fixes excessive depletion in campaigns
Adjusted font sizes
- Fixes font size too large causing buttons no to display
Fixed odd case where missions do not generate because a squadron is too close to the front
Fixed bad pilot picture that caused issues with American campaigns
Fixed incorrect place name
Fixed issue that could start American and British AI pilots with no victories in Sept 1944.
Fixed issue that would cause low altitude CAP missions to have a zero altitude waypoint.
Fixed issue where "Unknown was killed in action" was displayed for out of mission victories
Fixed issue where generic target description was displayed
PWCG is now ground activity centric.  
- Ground activity created first.
- Air activity closely associated with ground activity.
- AI units have real targets
- Better control of number of units
- More realistic feel to missions
Added Yak 9 and Yak 9T
Improved Low Alt CAP
- Actually CAP ground troops
- Placement is over battle
Changed "Go Away" to apply only to airfields away from front lines
Reduced font size for modification selection to fit more in.
Fixed AAR issue in July 1942
Fixed AAR error where a plane would not be found
Fixed AAR error where victories were not recorded if no plane exit record was found
Fixed East Front 1944/Stalingrad confusion
Fixed tab label for "Notification of Victory"
Changed to AA
- Separate configuration for AA
- AA guns guarding approach
- More AA guns on the field (Murleen)
- AA guns in emplacements (Murleen)
- Enemy fighter aircraft will usually turn away from an enemy airbase
- Made use of some stock P40, A30, and FW190 A3 skins
Fixed issue where logs got cut off in many coop missions
Fixed bug that might stop a train from showing
Fixed truck convoy pathing such that they stay on roads
PWCG 8.8.0
Consolidated coop mode
- No more split modes with different capabilities
- Can now do anything in one mode
- Improved briefing to allow complete switching between player flights
- Updated AAR to allow either with or without claims for coop
Added out of mission victory tab to AAR
Now allowed to reduce fuel to 40%
Set fuel in air starts by aircraft type
Spread time between missions for historical activity/inactivity
Reduced weight in bombers/ground attack to use lighter loads
- Fixed pilots in mission missing from AAR
- Fixed duplicate planes lost report in AAR
- Fixed no artillery when simple ground config is high
- Fixed missions flown doubling
- Fixed issue that could cause flight not to generate if no opposition found for Ai slight
- Changed P40 skin config to not use other than winter
PWCG 8.7.3
Added overlay indicators for battles in a PWCG mission.
Historical flow of battle decides who will attack and who will defend in PWCG battles 
Improve map load strategy for performance
Fixed code to reduce occurrences of unknown object
FIxed Bristol and Halberstadt bomb loads
Fixed issue that could cause campaign data entry screen to cut off
Fixed confusing error if resaver is not available.
Reviewed complaint about 94th Aero campaign.  Could not reproduce.
PWCG 8.7.2
Added capability for themed desktops
- Russia Theme (Riksen)
- RAF Theme (Riksen)
- Luftwaffe theme (Me from Riksen)
- PWCG will automatically use the correct theme by armed service
- Capability for more.
Fixed error that prevented FC missions from generating properly
- verified that bomb payload on Bristol works properly
PWCG 8.7.1
Improved AAR
- Added detailed/not detailed selection (Maximum Information check box on debrief map)
- Detailed is everything that happened
- Not detailed limits events to things destroyed by an airplane
- Can press "Start Debrief" repeatedly if you want to
- Improved map centering
Ground structure victories addes (Murleen)
Plane gunners are credited with kills in debrief (Murleen)
Added aces
Dieter Hrabak
Erich Hartmann
Gerhard Barkhorn
Gunther Rall
Heinrich Bar
Heinz Sachsenberg
Hermann Graf (fixed)
Dmitry Glinka
Grigory Rechkalov
Ivan Kozhedub
Kirill Yevstigneyev
Nikolai Gulayev
Francis Gabreski
George Preddy
Johnnie Johnson

- Fixed a couple of minor display issues.
- Fixed payload issues on Bristol and Halberstadt
- Changed/fixed some squaron entries (Murleen)
- Fixed issue that would cause a Ju52 claim to be denied (Murleen)
PWCG 8.7.0
Eastern Front 1945
- Uses Bodenplatte map
- Movement follows Soviet gains as map allows
- Lets Eastern Front continue through the end of the war
Added aces Hartmann, Barkhorn, Hrabak
Fixed issue with air start too high
Fixed issue with replacement of aircraft types still in service but no longer in production
Fixed issue with adding pilot for FC
PWCG 8.6.0
Add ability to view and modify player flights on the same side
- Change waypoints for all friendly player flights
- Change fuel for all friendly player flights
- Change pilots/equipment for all friendly player flights
Add ability to view friendly Ai flights on briefing map
Improved mission location to shorten flights
Fixed issue in coop flights where subsequent flights could be assigned an incorrect flight type
PWCG 8.5.0
Added East Front 1944 Map
- Uses Stalingrad map
- Movement follows Soviet gains as map allows
- Lets Eastern Front continue through 1944
From Murleen:
- Binary list file generated properly
- US/British call signs added
- Flight Officer and Warrant Officer ranks added for USAAF/RAF respectively
Correct situation where services can be cut off in campaign creation
Fixed failure to open skin management screen
Correct situation where PWCG may get stuck generating missions for a secondary pilot
Loosened naming tolerances for campaigns to allow numbers - be careful, the game might not like it
Do not log pilot badges to squadron logs
Added blank line for default coop user to avoid confusion - user must select or type in coop user
PWCG 8.4.1
Improved use of call signs (Murleen)
Fixed: Error presenting all services for campaign creation
Fixed: AAR error in mapping bots, turrets, and planes
Fixed: AAR error where a vehicle id can be reused causing misidentification (Murleen)
PWCG 8.4.0
Changed coop to eliminate host concept
Added ability topay as multiple pilots in a single player campaign
Several improvements from Murleen around displays in the in game map
Fixed: AAR error caused by addition of French units (second issue)
Fixed: Issue involving attempt to restock planes no longer in production
PWCG 8.3.0
Added strategic bombing intercepts
- High altitude intercepts of larger formations
- All other flights disabled in these missions
- Not coop yet as there are concerns about how this plays nicely with other human missions
- Mostly German western front but also eastern front
- Me262 careers are now more sensible
Fixed: Accidental removal of Me109 E7
Fixed: AAR error caused by addition of French units
- Several different AAR failures reported but so far they all map to this error.
Investigated: AAR error for flight seemingly abruptly ended before anything spawns.  PWCG did what it could.
Note: bombers are flying high priority and therefore will not shoot back.  Bad thing acknowledged.  No good solution yet.
PWCG 8.2.0
Extended war in the east to the end of the war
- Currently just a static front on Western Stalingrad map
- Separated western front from eastern front units.
    - This will cause a small glitch for German Bodenplatte campaigns - you will find yourself on the eastern front.  Just  transfer back.
Added Free French and Normandie Niemen
- Free French is No 326 squadron flying Spitfires for the RAF
- Normandie Niemen flies Yaks for the VVS. Starts at Stalingrad
Introduced concept of squadron specialization
- JV44 will specialize in intercept
- Added II ZG26 to Bodenplatte.  Does intercept, escort, and ground attack
Added spotters for intercept and scramble missions (BoX only)
Changed trigger for battles to have them trigger when player is close.  Will reduce occurrences of battle being over when you get there.
Fixed error where PWCG was failing to take wounded squadron members into account when staffing a flight
Fixed error where adding a new pilot would fail for an SP campaign when there was no coop user.
PWCG 8.1.0
Added enemy cover for balloon bust missions
Added opposition for balloon defense missions
Artillery now fires at a target
Ground vehicles now have individual waypoints to avoid collisions
Bombing mission selection is now configurable
Recon mission selection is now configurable
Transport mission selection is now configurable
Ground target selection is now configurable
PWCG 8.0.0
PWCG 8.0 contains dozens of small improvements.  Here are some of the more important ones:
Added cold start for Bodenplatte
Added new Bodenplatte airfields
Added spotlights for night missions
Improved layout of plane selection to allow for more payload options
Updated WWI ground structures
Fix for planes running away
Improved AAR that carries all details forward to debrief.  
Added recon missions
PWCG 7.4.0
Revised Coop User Admin
- View all pilots in all of your coop campaigns
- Add a user (not changed)
- Remove a user
Removes the user and all personas in all campaigns that are associated with that user
New Coop Campaign Admin
Admin functions for personas within the campaign
- Add pilot (not changed)
- Retire pilot: permanently retires a coop pilot
- Transfer pilot: Allows the host to perform a transfer operation on a persona
PWCG 7.3.0
Night Missions for BoS
- Fly at night.  Squadrons configured to add some percentage of night missions.
- Night witches now always fly at night
Fixed bad .list files.  Delete .list file when making binaries
Fixed Aces cannot be added to a mission
Fixed unable to add German pilot to coop campaign
Improved binary file error handling
PWCG 7.2.0
Added WWI Vehicles to FC
Added balloons, balloon bust and balloon defense missions to FC
Added Seasons to the Rhein map
Added Shermans for Americans, British , and Russians
Note to FC users: you MUST Delete your current install!  You can save campaigns to a zip and then restore them, they will work.
PWCG 7.1.0
Changed AAR to accommodate changes in logging. Made better use of damage records for victory calculation.
Changed AAR to eliminate records after mission finished, fixing issue of being shot down if finishing the mission in the air.
Changed bombers to keep formation and release all bombs at once when level bombing.
Updated Bodenplatte map images
Significant update to mission routing to ensure missoin box size is respected.
PWCG will now create msbin (binary mission) files, allowing for much faster load.
- Be aware that these files take up to 3 minutes to create.
- Occurs upon accepting a mission
- Can be disabled through Main->Configuration->User Preferences and then set create binary file to 0 (zero)
Fixed Tiger vehicle file.  Added code to automatically remove bad file.
Fixed excessing damage messages ind ebrief
Fixed smoke and buildings floating in some missions
Fixed reversal of American and British voices
- Air traffic is still Russian.  Will look  into that.
Fixed incorrect runway placement.  Planes were about 20 yards too far left.
Fixed no role for 2 seater squadrons on FC coop campaigns
Fixed cannot use pilot campaign after pilot death.  Verified that add pilot allows continuation.
Fixed pilot picture changes do not take effect until campaign is reloaded
Could not fix:
Mission flight path does not appear on Arras map for FC.  Created mission on ME (no PWCG involved) and path did not show.  Exact same construct worked properly on BoS maps.
PWCG 7.0.0
Flying Circus 
- One line but it's quite a bit of work  
Bug fixes:
Fixed error that could cause planes not to appear
Voices are now correct language
Me 262 payload description corrected
KG 51 (Me262) moved to concrete airfields
Removed restriction on leave time to allow for serious wounds to heal.
Fixed P51 and Tempest "Planes Owned" icons
PWCG 6.3.0
Bodenplatte is on the Rhine map!
Cities are in place
Made map from Google earth pics
- Will replace with game map when I get it
Front lines move
Added B25 for 139 Squadron
Added Jv44 as an independent squadron in Feb 2004
PWCG 6.2.0
Significant improvements to flight pathing.  
- Added range as a an element to aircraft.
- Creates mission box based on range with a maximum.  This moves activity to more places on the front without sending the player off too far.
- Creates minimum distance from base to mission box, to reduce instances of planes being on top of you at the start of the mission.
 - Changed AI flight ingress to mission to create better chances of contact in all scenarios.
 - Ai Squadrons participation in a mission is contingent on having the range to get there.  Should give a feel for who is stationed where.
New Advanced configs:
Added concept of special missions.  These are missions where the mission box will not be in the usual place.
- Anti shipping: anti shipping missions will cause the mission box to be created over a sea lane (Kuban only).
- Scramble: scramble missions will cause the mission box to be created near the player's airfield.
- Anti shipping missions will not be generated if you are not in range of a sea lane
- Added new advanced configs
- scrambleOddsAllied: odds of creating an allied scramble mission
- scrambleOddsAxis: odds of creating an axis scramble mission
- antiShipOddsAllied odds of creating an allied anti shipping mission
- antiShipOddsAxis odds of creating an axis anti shipping mission
Added P-51
Added P-38
Added Tempest
PWCG 6.1.5
Fixed Data error caused AAR failure in late war campaigns
PWCG 6.1.4
Fixed AI adjustment
Fixed friendly planes assigned as victories.
PWCG 6.1.3
Fixed no icons in coop.
- Icons will appear for all coop modes
- Icons associated with only one side
- Waypoint icons and airfield icons
- Restoration of WP icons causes path to appear on map
PWCG 6.1.2
Improvements to reduce lack of contact.
- Reduce size of mission box
- Mission box size is configurable (Advanced config -> mission limits)
- Reduce length of patrols to avoid going beyond mission box
- Improve patrol path to head into the mission box
- Improve offensive patrols for airfield/transport to use waypoints closer to box
- Improve offensive penetration patrols to take advantage of patrol algorithm just into enemy lines
- Reduce distance from entering the box to start of patrols.  Helps prevent need cross map navigation.
- Fixed looking at mission again after it had been created
- Added "Back to Campaign" button on every mission page to return to campaign without altering the mission
- Eliminated coop pilot selection for missions that have already been created.
PWCG 6.1.1
Mode not properly set in new coop campaigns.
PWCG 6.1.0
Three campaign modes.
- Single Player
- Cooperative Coop
- Competitive Coop
Smarter display of services and maps when creating a new campaign or pilot.
Fixed: Cooperative coop AAR broken
Fixed: Cannot find mission logs error
PWCG 6.0.1
Added a bit more AAA around airfields
Fixed No escorts for player
Fixed Return to pilot perspective broken
Fixed Friendly planes lost are assigned as victories to squadron mates.
Fixed Errors during leaves and transfers.
Fixed Too many spots in coop mission - should only be players
Fixed PO2 has wrong display name
PWCG 6.0.0
Full coop support
- Fly with your friends
- Any squadron!
- Any Side!
Cold Start (Thanks Murleen)
- Start from your hangar area and taxi to start
Improved mission pathing
PWCG 5.1.3
Added FW 190 D9 Dora.
-  Start with JG 26 in October 1944 or JG 2 in November 1944.
Fixed: Payloads modifications on several planes.  Me109 G14 and K4, FW190 A5 and A8, Macchi.  
PWCG 5.1.2
Packaged over 70 skins for squadrons - thanks to the skin creators for making these available.
Configured squadron files to use the skins.
Skins and updated PWCG are available for download at the PWCG site
PWCG 5.1.1
Modified PWCG to understand the difference between end of production and withdrawal from front line service.  Should help get newer types to the front faster.
Fixed: modifications for P47
Fixed: modifications for Spitfire IX
Verified squadron assigned skins work
Verified user assigned loose skins to squadron mates work
PWCG 5.1.0
The Western front in WWII comes to PWCG with Bodenplatte on the Stalingrad map. 
All available Bodenplatte planes are included.
Airfield names changed to match western names.
Squadrons are correct.
Squadron equipment mapped from actual to available (i.e. P51 squadrons are flying P47s)
- Will be changed as new planes are introduced.
Fixed: U2 payload.  Now has bombs and gun.
PWCG 5.0.5
Added U2 as daylight attack aircraft. 
- To play U2 campaign choose Russian. August 1942. Stalingrad map, 588 Bomber Air Regiment.
- I don't ownthis plane but the ME loads a mission with no errors.
Added P47, Spitfire Mk IX, P47, Me109 G14, Me109 K4, FW190 A8
- Not tested in game at all.
- Not incorporated into the campaign
- To make a dummy campaign, replace the assignment in a squadron and start a new campaign.
- Or wait a week or two and I will have something that looks like Bodenplatte (on the Stalingrad map)
PWCG 5.0.4
Fixed: issue where adding Italian squadron earlier was causing problems in existing campaigns.
Fixed: Escort missions.  Rendezvous fixes by me, separation fixes by Murleen.
PWCG 5.0.3
Equipment replacement enhancements:
- Increased equipment replacement rate
- Increased odds of players squadron getting replacements if severely depleted
- Increased odds of any squadron getting replacements if severely depleted
- Accounted for actual need in squadrons in generating replacement planes
Made Italian campaign available for Moscow
Fixed: Historical aces appear twice in top aces board
PWCG 5.0.2
Fixed: number in formation counter (Thanks Murleen)
Fixed: Train target is on the wrong side
Fixed: Floating smoke
PWCG 5.0.1
Fixed: Unidentified Object popup (Thanks Murleen)
Fixed: Planes not properly oriented on runway (Thanks Murleen)
Fixed: Concurrent map update exception
Fixed: Planes span on top of each other in CAP
Fixed: No planes sighted on intercvept or CAP
Fixed: Error bundler is not bundling all directories.
Fixed: Marder scrip path not properly set
PWCG 5.0.0
Support for multiple players and coop mode.
How to create a coop campaign:
- On the campaign creation screen choose coop campaign at the top/center
- Complete campaign creation process
Adding another human pilot
- In the campaign, choose "Add Pilot"
- Enter the rank and name of the new pilot
- Select the AI pilot to be replaced.
Added fog of war setting in advanced config.  Makes victories less descriptive.
- Advanced Config -> User Preferences -> DetailedVictoryDescription
- Set to 0 for less descriptive victories.  Default is 1.
New visuals:
There is a small icon on the right of the pilot name, giving pilot status.
I don't have a mission button
- All of your human pilots are dead or wounded.
- You can create a new AI pilot
- You can go on leave to heal your human pilots (info is on the leave page).
Fixed: missing LuaScripts\WorldObjects\Ships\torpedoboat38.txt
Fixed: Planes sometimes do not take off (Murleen).
Fixed: Too many out of mission AAA losses.
Fixed: Player not being made commander after promotion to major. 
Fixed: Duplicate entries in squadron log
Fixed flight not taking off at Dugino  airfield.
Fixed planes not being replaced when squasron transitions to new arch type
PWCG 4.2.1
Incorporated improved graphics (Riksen).
Disassociated pilot name from campaign name (prelude to multiple human pilots)
Incorporated fix for Kuban taxiways (Murleen).
Increased PWCG memory.
PWCG 4.2.0
Changed ground unit generation to avoid excessive number of ground units generated by AI flights.
Fixed error where depleted squadrons could be further drained.
PWCG 4.1.1
Call signs added (Murleen).
Added Stalingrad taxi mappings (Murleen)
Added planes lost to debrief UI.
Fixed replacing pilots in briefing causes AAR errors after mission.
Fixed failure to create create campaign later in war
Fixed player transfer error (Murleen)
Fixed inactive campaign members not saved (Murleen).
Fixed failure to properly apply modifications (reported for E7 but could affect others).
PWCG 4.1.0
Every squadron in PWCG is equipped.
Every plane in the mission maps to a plane in PWCG
Out of mission events affect planes in PWCG.
If a pilot gains a victory out of mission, the victim will also be a plane in PWCG.
A replacements depo of planes exists.- During each time cycle, "needy squadrons" request replacements.  Replacements are distributed from the depo.
The replacement depo is drained to compensate for squadron losses.
There is a lag between the time a plane is lost and the time that the request for a replacement is acknowledged.
The replacement pool is periodically replenished.
Over time equipment will become more of an issue, but not to a severe degree.
Slightly equipment depleted AI squadrons may not fly.
Severely equipment depleted AI squadrons will not fly.
The player's squadron will not fly if severely equipment depleted.
Made tweaks tp odds of other squadrons flying.
Landing improved: planes on the Moscow map will land and taxi to a revetment before disappearing.
A first for PWCG.  Murleen has contributed Java code.  This is the first time in nine years that an outside author has written Java code for PWCG!
Also a first: PWCG is now available on GitHub.
Murleen's contributions were a bug fix for spawn parsing and .. this was a lot of work on his part ... the landing correction noted above.  Many thanks.
Fixed spawn event parsing error
Fixed failure to create ground attack missions
Fixed failure to note missions flown.
Fixed Italian campaign.
PWCG 4.0.0
Every squadron in PWCG is staffed.
Every plane in the mission maps to a pilot in PWCG
Out of mission events affect pilots in PWCG.
If a pilot gains a victory out of mission, the victim will also be a pilot in PWCG.
The fate of the plane and pilot are separated - a pilot can easily survive being shot down.
A replacements pool of pilots exists.- During each time cycle, "needy squadrons" request replacements.  Replacements are distributed from the pool.
The replacement pool is drained to compensate for squadron losses.
There is a lag between the time a pilot is lost and the time that the request for a replacement is acknowledged.
The replacement pool is periodically replenished.
Over time manpower will become more of an issue, but not to a severe degree.
Slightly depleted AI squadrons may not fly.
Severely depleted AI squadrons will not fly.
The player's squadron will not fly if severely depleted.
PWCG 3.5.0
Add several new mission variations
- Low altitude bombing
- Low altitude patrols
- Low altitude battlefield CAP
Improved climb WP generation to reduce climb WPs to only as many as necessary to achieve altitude.
Fixed starting behind enemy lines (PWCG was still using old as well as new front line transitions)
PWCG 3.4.1
Add Yak7B
Restore squadrons fro Me-109 E-7, Me-110, Hs-129, Ju-52
Enabled mixed flights
Fixed missing aircraft profiles
PWCG 3.4.0
Altered squadrons for smoother transition in "Battles" format.
- Squadron transition within a single squadron file.  Causes natural movement through battles without actively transferring.
- Movement through battles from 1 Oct 1941 to 1 Dec 1943
- Includes early German advance through Kuban to Stalingrad and Russian advance after Stalingrad.
- Fewer squadrons for less density.  Still pretty dense, especially Kuban. 
New planes:
- A20
- P39
- La5N
- Me109G6
PWCG 3.3.3
Fixed PWCG does not work with latest BoX
PWCG 3.3.2
Fixed error when modifying advanced configuration
PWCG 3.3.1
Extend Kuban action back to July 1942.  Add mountain flying.
Added config to reduce smoke in a given area.  Smoke is now controlled by two parameters: max smoke in mission and max smoke within a radius.
Campaign->Advanced Config -> Mission Limits
-> Max Smoke In Mission
-> Max Smoke In Area
Cleaned up weather inputs in advanced config
Fixed will not respond to changes in "'Maximum amount of smoke" as intended
Fixed Radio beacon doesn't work (I think)
Fixed Attack marker showing up over friendly forces
Fixed No landing if player chooses air start
Fixed Freeze if number of aircraft config changes (max planes per flight will now be 😎
Fixed failure to create campaign in some situations
Fixed when flying the E7, selecting the 'remove headrest' option adds an armored windscreen instead (and vice versa I assume).
PWCG 3.3.0
Added Ju52
Add transport missions.  
- Transport cargo from field to field.  
- Parachute drop, daytime and nighttime.  
- Cargo drop near front.  
- Spy extraction.
Add anti shipping missions  in Kuban
Set roles by squadron instead of plane for greater flexibility.  Allow roles for a squadron to change over time.
Add target preferences based on history.  i..e. Drifters near Stalingrad in November, shipping at Kuban in Sept 1943, etc.
Bug fixes:
Reduced and normalized waypoint speeds to help formations
Added missing Kuban bridges
Improved climb wps.  Climb into mission if far from front.
Fixed freeze error on some Russian ground attack missions
Rewrote target finding algorithm for fewer failures.
Fixed AAA not appearing along front and at installations
Fixed campaign property bug that caused all defaults to be copied over.
Fixed AI does not land when waypoint progression is broken
Fixed (?) AI sometimes crashes on landing
Improved egress waypoint placement
Improved odds of contact during mission
Fixed some instances of ground units in the water
PWCG 3.2.1
Correct error preventing mission load
PWCG 3.2.0
Add smoke near front line.  Sometimes (heavy) in proximity of activity.  Other times (light) ambient. (BoS)
Add damage to structures close to the front
Replace static artillery at airfield with static trucks(BoS)
Add ambient skirmishes(BoS)
Add ambient truck convoys(BoS)
Improved takeoff alignment by introducing different spacing for small, medium and large planes
Fixed Stukas do not dive bomb (BoS)
Fixed Map scrolling through click and drag broken on briefing map
Fixed takeoff positioning error for RoF
Fixed Invalid payload for plane: 6 No 8 Naval Squadron circa November 1916 (RoF)
Fixed incorrect ranks for French Navy (RoF)
PWCG 3.1.3
Improve enemy fighter limitations on ground attack.  No fighter escort on player ground attack missions.  Limit fighter missions based on player mission type and not squadron role.
Implemented staggered formation on runway for BoS
Fixed all mission times are 0830.
Fixed no skins in skin management screen
Fixed scrolling the AAR and typing journal entries is slow
Fixed no LA5 modifications are available.
SIxed Dallas and Kinkead on some dates are showing up as not being in the RNAS
Moved wind sock away from runway for BoS
Increased air start spacing for BoS
PWCG 3.1.2
Added support for aircraft modifications along with payloads.  Modifications appear as check boxes in a new column on the briefing pilot selection chalkboard.
Added support for squadron override of aircraft roles.  This allows PWCG to offer dedicated ground support for some FW190 squarons as well as cannon armed Stuka in II./St.G.2.
Added support for initial selection of a payload to fit the mission.
Added support for AI flights to use a wider range of payloads.
Fixed plane selection issue.
PWCG 3.1.1
Added support for aircraft modifications along with payloads.  Modifications appear as check boxes in a new column on the briefing pilot selection chalkboard.
Added support for squadron override of aircraft roles.  This allows PWCG to offer dedicated ground support for some FW190 squarons as well as cannon armed Stuka in II./St.G.2.
Added support for initial selection of a payload to fit the mission.
Added support for AI flights to use a wider range of payloads.
Fixed plane selection issue.
PWCG 3.1.0
Allow players to select payload for their flight from Pilot Selection Screen
- Use Synchronize Payloads to synchronize the flight's payloads on the leader.
Added more items to BoS airfields.
- Developed empty space finder algorithm to place more stuff
Fixed squadron skin configuration
- Added back squadron skins that had been removed in 3.0
Changed initial victories, odds of loss for Luftwaffe and VVS
PWCG 3.0.2
- Added front lines
- Added airfield icons
- Added Music control screen on front panel
- Improved sound control
Fixed ground attack players overwhelmed by fighters
- New Advanced COnfig: Mission Limits -> Max Enemy Fighters For Ground Attack (default 1)
- New Advanced COnfig: Mission Limits -> Max Enemy Fighters For Fighters (default 3)
Fixed reappearing AAA (sort of)
-  Increased respawn to 10 minutes to keep them dead longer (was 3 minutes)
Fixed empty airfieds
- AAA and static planes now appear
- Added trucks if airfield is target
Fixed escort flight rendezvous
Fixed Severskaya airfield takeoffs
PWCG 3.0.1
Fixed: Pilot always dead when plane crashes.
Fixed: RoF willl not create a mission.
Fixed: Invalid plane for loose skins for plane ju523mg4e.
Fixed: Mission file cleanup not happening.
Fixed: During campaign creation, transition from rank on previous step causes error.
Fixed: Moving wayponts on briefing map sometimes caused incorrect results.
Fixed: Raised attack MCU and lengthened run to prevent AI ground crashes.
Fixed: Error when creating escort flight for player, causing missions not to be created.
Fixed: Krasnodar map takeoff.
Added: When creating a campaign filter by map.  Add map to squadron description text.